My name is Farah Jeune and I am an Artist, Producer and HIV/AIDS Youth Advocate. I have been involved in the fight against HIV/AIDS since working for a social media campaign group called Safer is S.E.X.Y.(Sophisticated, Empowered, Xtraordinary, You). We educate young women and girls about HIV awareness and prevention in Boston and provide resources and information about sexual health and wellness. Its been a major blessing to work alongside community leaders, from all generations, who care immensely about the health and wellness of our fellow brothers and sisters because their health matters!
This year I am a 2016 National Youth HIV and Aids Awareness Day Ambassador and my mission is to continue to educate my peers about HIV Awareness and prevention and the importance of getting tested! With the mass amount of stigma behind HIV in our community and health disparities throughout the nation, its very important to me to be one of the voices that help destigmatize these issues that keep us from staying healthy, safer, S.E.X.Y. As an artist, I have utilize my love for doodling as a tool for social change by posting various doodles about how we all can stay informed, get tested and get involved in the fight against HIV/AIDS. I am beyond honored to be attending the NMAC conference this year! Can’t wait to further educate my intellect, meet cool people and be inspired!