Boozhoo, My name is Deon Kirby. I’m an Afro Indigenous, Latin X LGBTQ man born and raised in Saint Paul Minnesota. I am always growing and continuing to learn each day, and I am inspired by the people I work with and for in the community. Beginning as a teen I’ve been involved in the community as a youth peer educator. I was a member of a small theater ensemble educating on HIV & sexual health prevention to other Native youth on reservations throughout the United States. Our message impacted Native youth in ways adults couldn’t get the message across about sexual health. From then on, I’ve been working to serve my community as an Afro-Indigenous LGBTQ man. Currently, I work for a community based nonprofit organization named Indigenous Peoples Task Force. I am the community engagement coordinator on the HIV prevention team. I’m a member of the Minnesota Council for HIV/AIDS Care and Prevention through Ryan White, I serve on the Membership and training committee as Co-chair. I facilitate a Native American LGBTQ+ community check-in board and the HIV prevention community advisory board. It is important to me to ensure that the community receives education and services around HIV/AIDS as we have been an underserved population for too long.