This document is designed especially for you to easily engage with your elected official on social media channels. We have provided sample tweets, hashtags, and social media handles of critical legislators we need you to message. Your voice – be it in person or digital – is vital in this critical moment of our movement’s history. Don’t wait to speak up – lives depend upon it.
Appropriations Committee leadership handles to tweet at:
- @HouseAppropsGOP – House Appropriations Committee (majority)
- @AppropsDems – House Appropriations Committee (minority)
- @USRepRodney – House Appropriations Committee Chair
- @NitaLowey – House Appropriations Committee Ranking Member
- @TomColeOK04 – House Labor-HHS Subcommittee Chair
- @rosadelauro – House Labor-HHS Subcommittee Ranking Member
- @SenateApprops – Senate Appropriations Committee (minority)
- @SenThadCochran – Senate Appropriations Committee (majority)/Senate Cmte Chair
- @SenatorLeahy – Senate Appropriations Committee Vice Chairman
- @RoyBlunt – Senate Labor-HHS subcommittee chair
- @PattyMurray – Senate Labor-HHS subcommittee ranking member
Labor-HHS Subcommittee members to tweet at:
House Majority
- @TomColeOK04 OK-4
- @CongMikeSimpson ID-2
- @rep_stevewomack AR-3
- @RepChuck TN-3
- @RepAndyHarrisMD
- @RepMarthaRoby AL-2
- @HerreraBeutler WA-3
- @RepMoolenaar MI-4
Senate Majority
- @royblunt MO
- @SenThadCochran MS
- @SenShelby AL
- @SenAlexander TN
- @LindseyGrahamSC SC
- @JerryMoran KS
- @SenCapito WV
- @SenatorLankford Ok
- @SenJohnKennedy LA
- @marcorubio FL
House Minority
- @rosadelauro CT-3
- @RepRoybalAllard CA-40
- @RepBarbaraLee CA-13
- @repmarkpocan WI-2
- @RepKClark MA-5
Senate Minority
- @PattyMurray WA
- @SenatorDurbin IL
- @SenJackReed RI
- @SenatorShaheen NH
- @SenJeffMerkley OR
- @brianschatz HI
- @SenatorBaldwin WI
- @ChrisMurphyCT CT
- @Sen_JoeManchin WV